Let's say goodbye to 2023,Welcome in 2024
Happy New Year !~
Dear Friends & Customers,
From our company to yours, we wish you a blessed Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
May all that is beautiful, meaningful and brings you joy be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year!
WCL Solution Limited
Dear Friends & Customers,
From our company to yours, we wish everyone a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival 2023!
We extend our wishes for good health and good cheer to you and your family on this Mid-Autumn Festival.
We extend our deepest gratitude to our colleague at WCL Solution, who invaluable role as mentor in the "Strive and Rise Programme" has been nothing short of remarkable. Throughout the year, he has wholeheartedly embraced his responsibilities, engaging in company visits and offering unwavering support to his mentee. In doing so, he has played an instrumental role in nurturing the growth of positive values among the mentee.
The recent Graduation Ceremony, not only commemorated the remarkable achievements of the "Strive and Rise Programme," but also served as a symbol of unity between mentors and mentees. It was showcasing the profound impact of the mentors' dedication and the mentees' commitment to personal and professional growth.
Thank you to Business Environment Council for inviting WCL Solution Limited Solution General Manager, Mr Henry Poon , to share our insights on the role of digitalization in achieving Net Zero.
We are immensely grateful to the Business Environment Council for organizing this impactful session, which provided us with a valuable platform to champion the cause of sustainability. It was an honor to share our communication knowledge with fellow speakers Mr Jens-Peter Brauner, FIET, Chief Executive Officer, Siemens Mobility Hong Kong, Mrs Jing LEI Managing Director, Hong Kong, PALO IT and contribute to the collective effort towards a greener future.
Stay tuned for more updates on our journey towards digitalization and sustainability. Together, let's make a positive impact on the environment and work towards achieving Net Zero.
WCL Solution is honored to be recognized by MPFA as a Good MPF Employer 2022-23, along with the "e-Contribution Award". We believe in providing our employees with comprehensive employee benefits and welfare initiatives that cater to their diverse needs.
We are pleased to award " Perfect Match Partner " by Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong. Continuing to care for society's poor and show concern for society will be our goal in the future. Thank you for the appreciation!
Last week, our company participated in the ESG Pavilion at "Business Go Virtual 2023" by setting up a physical booth. During the event, our General Manager, Mr. Henry Poon, extended an invitation to the CLP@JC program students to attend and gain valuable insights into the business environment.
We were delighted to have your presence at the event and hope to see you at other upcoming events in the future.
We are delighted to invite you to visit us at "Business Go Virtual 2023", taking place in July.
WCL Solution will attend with a physical booth on the ESG pavilion, we will share our latest offerings.
With our comprehensive strategy, we help organizations reducing risk, ensuring compliance and extracting the true value of your information.
We know that staying at the forefront of technology is a priority for you. Trusted that we can provide some insights to your organization with the most reliable and advanced technologies in the market.
Feel free to let us know if you need further details or information.
Your presence at the event would be greatly appreciated. We look forward to welcoming you at Business Go Virtual 2023.
Date: 12-14 July 2023 ( Wed - Fri)
Time: 09:00 - 18:00
Booth Num : C04
Venue : Hall 3FG, Level 3, Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Wish everyone a Happy Dragon Boat Festival!
㊗️各位端午節快樂! 😁😁🥳🥳
今次與#YMCA 合作一起舉辦了"廚餘紮染"活動,透過廚餘製作首飾,讓青少年感受、體驗廚餘第二生命的歷程,同時從中學習環保知識,將來應用於日常生活中。
🐣May the joy and hope of Easter fill your hearts and bring success to your professional endeavors. We’re grateful for your partnership and look forward to continuing to work together in the future.🎉🎊
Time for Earth Hour 2023! In support of this global environmental movement, WCL Solution will participate in the "Earth Hour 2023" at 8:30 p.m on March 25 by turning off the lights for an hour. Our colleagues are also encouraged to take part in the event and take action to protect the environment.
WCL Solution好榮幸獲邀出席由香港社會服務聯會(社聯)舉辦之香港社會服務巡禮2023被嘉許為「商界展關懷」的公司,肯定了我們對社區的努力及承擔。往後會繼續關懷社會上有需要的人士,展現對社會的關懷💝
Business environment is constantly changing, and every company is struggling to growth. How to manage, protect and utilize business information will be the key to success.
WCL Solution enable your hybrid working model. A successful digital workplace offers flexibility in all areas, allowing employees to work remotely from any device, time save up to 90% of search time at the same time.
Kung Hei Fat Choy!
As another wonderful year comes to an end, I want to take a moment to greet you a Happy Chinese New Year 2023! May happiness fill your heart and treasures fill the home!
Although climate change and carbon emissions seem far away from us, pay close attention to them, abnormal temperatures and natural disasters are the results of environmental pollution.
See how we can help by reduce the use of paper in business.
WCL Solutions is a digital transformation partner for clients across the region. Different companies have their own operating models. Whether it is government departments, charities, schools, retail, etc., they can all benefit from digital transformation.
Dear Friends & Customers,
From our company to yours, we wish you a blessed Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
May all that is beautiful, meaningful and brings you joy be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year!
WCL Solution Limited
精簡業務流程 數碼轉型的企業嚮導 — WCL Solution 總經理 Henry Poon
WCL Solution 是一間 IT 解决方案供應商,提供一站式解決方案,幫助客戶數碼轉型,將基於紙本的營運環境做到無紙化,將實體文件轉為電子檔案。同時亦會利用企業內容管理系統(ECM)來標準化和精簡客戶公司的業務流程,令客戶能更全面管理和利用自己的企業信息。
「自 1970 年代起,『香港製造』成為國際認可的品牌。到了現在,為什麼沒有一間世界領先的解決方案供應商來自香港,又為什麼領先市場的產品都來自於其他地區?我們希望有天能將香港品牌帶到國際市場。」總經理 Henry Poon 說。
為了實現這個願景,WCL Solution 將客戶需求置於首位,針對客戶商業目標,提供最合適的解決方案及長遠發展計劃。「我們會了解客戶業務上的真正需要,而非單單停留在項目層面去做每一件事。除了提高客戶的成本效益外,亦能降低營運風險,確保符合各種法規要求。」
科技日新月異,世界每刻都發生變化。人們尋找更人性化的服務,企業亦要為此投資更多資源及時間,與時並進。數碼轉型已成企業當務之急,但要成功達到預期目標並不容易,有些公司轉型後甚至較先前運作得更困難,而 IT 解决方案供應商絕對要負上一定責任。
企業在計劃數碼轉型時,必然遇上重重困難。這不單止因為他們不熟悉系統程式等工具,更因為缺乏指導及經驗。有別於常見的產品及服務銷售商,WCL Solution一直扮演着顧問的角色。「我們的角色是企業的嚮導,針對企業狀況制定最合適的方案,以達到客戶的商業目標。我們很有信心可以做好這一個角色。」
WCL Solution 提供光學字元辨識(OCR)技術,協助企業將實體文件轉為電子檔案,於工作間實行無紙化。文件數字化後易於搜索,節省儲存空間;資料輸入自動化後亦有效節省員工時間,員工可專注於其他高增值工作。
Henry 表示市場上要求只會越來越高, WCL Solution 做事一定要精簡、準確、快速、優秀。「 譬如提供解決方案時,要準確知道我們客戶的商業需求,快速配合及回應客戶,精簡演繹複雜事情,讓客戶容易理解。最重要是我們要提供優秀方案,幫客戶多想幾步,達到目標。」
為大學制定 7 年數碼轉型路線
WCL Solution 曾為一間大學提供數碼轉型計劃。該大學位列 2021 年世界大學排名 50 名內,他們意識到傳統紙本模式已無法適應數碼轉型的趨勢。
WCL Solution 以豐富經驗和專業知識,幫助大學制定 7 年的數碼轉型路線圖,根據工作的優先次序和資源劃分不同的轉型階段。另外,WCL Solution 與客戶各部門緊密溝通,收集他們的要求,並根據其內部信息安全指引執行程序。「我們和大學 IT 團隊合作,整合他們當前的應用程序和市場上的創新技術,盡量提高投資回報及增強用戶體驗。我們建立了一個集成的內容服務平台,幫助大學管理不同部門的應用程序、數據庫和服務器。同時,我們引入合適的工具集,包括 RPA、OCR 技術,自動數據庫同步和自動化工作流,以實現數碼轉型計劃和信息治理目標。」
Dear Friends & Customers,
From our company to yours, we wish everyone Happy Mid-Autumn Festival 2022!
We extend our wishes for good health and good cheer to you and your family on this Mid-Autumn Festival.🌝🌙🎊🎉
今次WCL Solution Limited 同YMCA - Y Balloon 合作,一齊教青少年1D 扭氣球既技巧。
The concept of "sustainable" has been around for a long time. It should not just be a slogan. We still rely on using physical paper to complete our daily operations. Each day, more than 2 million trees are felled in the world. It’s time to protect our environment and cherish existing resources.
Consider change into an environmental friendly business.
We are honored to have received the HKMOL Awards 2022 (Outstanding Leader) presented by #CorpHub .
Thank you for the recognition, we are determinate to walk through the digital transformation journey with our clients and partners together.
Keep moving forward to provide the most cutting-edge and reliable technologies!
Thank you Mr. Henry Poon! Let’s keep walking together! 💪🙏🙇🏻
We are so pleased to be part of the Business Environment Council. In the future, we are going to share greater environmentally sustainable and digital transformation solutions with the general public, hoping that can facilitate environmental sustainability.
WCL Solution is keen in helping our partners to reduce the use of paper and use digital workplace solutions to facilitate environmental sustainability.
On the same day, it is interesting to hear other environmental sustainable initiatives from foodpanda, DECATHLON HONG KONG and Nationalpak Limited (Natpak) and certainly it is exciting to hear that we are sharing the same passion. WCL Solution is happy to be part of this community and share common missions with like-minded organizations.
Kung Hei Fat Choy!
May this New Year bring you prosperity and good luck. We wish you all the best in life and may overcome all endeavors you’re going to face today and in the future.
During the Christmas season, WCL Solution Limited collaborated with YMCA to host two DIY Christmas wreath workshops called "Blooming Flowers". The workshops drew 30 families. Christmas wreaths and greeting cards were made by children and parents with dried flowers and dolls. In this workshop, they can decorate their houses, relieve the pressure and negative emotions of work and school, and communicate more effectively with their parents.
WCL Solution hopes to continue working with YMCA to bring children a variety of joyful activities. We hope they grow up happy and healthy.
From our company to yours, we wish you a blessed Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
May all that is beautiful, meaningful and brings you joy be yours this holiday season and throughout the coming year!
WCL Soltuion
WCL Soltuion wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival !